Alert state

The phrase alert state is used in milieu variously although in a capitalized form the reference is of an indication of the state of readiness of the armed forces for military action or a State against terrorism or military attack.The term frequently used is on High Alert [1] Examples are the DEFCON levels of the US armed forces, probably indicating some degree within DEFCON:2 to DEFCON:4,possibly DEFCON:1 classified with the words as high alert .[2] and the British government's UK Threat Levels, probably including the highest three levels of five, these being classified as substantial,severe and critical. [3] Both highest positions within the classification are synonymous with red alert. All these of course rely on an understanding of the word alert, which is also originally relevant to a type of military activity, within the earliest recorded usage.[4] The phrase is in use within environmental considerations, [5][6][7] and also is in usage as a term of change within a system generating electrical energy. [8] In the context of the Mental status examination,the state of consciousness of an alert person is classified apart from either lethargic or hyper-alert,[9] elswhere an alert person is capable of providing the correct information when asked their name, their present location and the date, or otherwise as a classified state is able to talk normally. [10][11] Altogether the much vaunted relaxed and alert state of mind of the meditator [12] is scientifically classified as brainwaves of the alpha and beta description respectively. [13] The beta state that corresponds to the prior description is infact within the range of 12 to 15 Hz [ & 15-19Hz ].[14]

See also


  1. ^ abcnews[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  2. ^ R. van Dijk Encyclopedia of the Cold War, Volume 1
  3. ^ Home[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  4. ^ Douglas Harper ety[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  5. ^[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  6. ^ thejakartapost[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  7. ^ World Health Organization -[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  8. ^ Commission Electrotechnique Internationale from encyclo [Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  9. ^ web.utah[ Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  10. ^ R. Elling, K. M. Elling [1] Principles of patient assessment in EMS [Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  11. ^ emt-training[Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  12. ^ R. Jevning, R.K. Wallace, M. Beidebach sciencedirectThe physiology of meditation: A review. A wakeful hypometabolic integrated response Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Volume 16, Issue 3, Autumn 1992, Pages 415-424 doi:10.1016/S0149-7634(05)80210-6 [Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  13. ^ N. Herrmann (Google ebooks) The whole brain business book (334 pages)McGraw-Hill Professional ISBN 0070284628 [Retrieved 2011-12-28]
  14. ^ J. Robbins scholar.googleusercontent page 4 of essay entitled Wired for miracles? Psychology Today, May/Jun 98 [Retrieved 2011-12-28]

External links

iec homepage of the International Electrotechnical Commission [Retrieved 2011-12-28]